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We need all eye floater sufferers to get involved. We aim to make contact with as many eye institutions as possible.
Have you ever wondered why the medical community won’t listen to us?
Because you are an individual, the medical centers will just tell you to ignore your floaters, because floaters are seen as a symptom of other problems, not a problem in themselves. If we become a large organization, it will be much easier to make the medical community take notice. This is why we want to have people from all walks of life to get involved in the cause.We are committed to changing attitudes to eye floaters. Our mission can be compared to starting a snowball rolling down from a mountain. If we have enough people at the top of the mountain, they can start the snowball rolling down the slope, collecting more and more supporters, until it becomes a large snowball that is impossible to ignore! Please join us, and become part of our mission!

Attention eye floater sufferers. There is a great opportunity for all of us to have a better alternative solution for eye floaters. Please sign and submit the form and share the post to your floaters and non-floaters friends. We want as many people as possible to get involved!
Moorfields Eye Hospital NHS Foundation Trust and the UCL Institute of Ophthalmology have announced a plan for a major 5-year funding award for eye research.