Volunteer with us
Latest update from Eye Floaters Cure Volunteers Group:
Hi, All eye floaters sufferers:
Through our collaborated efforts, more and more doctors and hospitals are starting to see floaters as a clinical problem rather than a benign condition. During Jan – April 2017 a communication plan was carried out by a global volunteer group led by a sufferer in the UK. As a result of our global communications about severe floaters and DVS, we are pleased to announce that we have found a few research centers and doctors that are willing to carry out research into our condition, subject to funds and resources being made available to them. Please allow the charities who support our cause to work on a suitable plan to collate funds which may lead to a research program being initiated in this area. This will take some time to set up. In the meantime, although it may feel tempting, please do not send emails to any research center on behalf of the DVS community and allow us to follow up with these research centers on the next steps in a professional manner. Thank you😀
A group of volunteers across the world are now starting to send out letters to medical research centers, universities and pharmas in order to start research for a safe cure for DVS. We aim to finalize our communication plan by end of April 2017. We will find a suitable charity to work with when we receive a positive response from anywhere in the world that would like to start research in this area. We will update you about our progress after that date. PS: If you are not volunteer yet, and you are still interested in being one of us