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About US


We come from different parts of the world, and now we unite together through social media.

We are a group of volunteers who collaborate through Facebook, to focus on raising awareness and searching for a safe cure for vitreous eye floaters.  Despite the language barrier, everyone on the team has a connection. We contribute many hours to our case.

We all suffer from eye floaters to a degree. After raising the issue many times with our ophthalmologists and endless online researching, we know that there is no safe treatment is available to us at this moment. This is mainly because the whole medical community won’t take us seriously enough to launch a scientific study, and not even acknowledge that floaters are a serious problem.

Our Logo


The Logo is designed by the leader of our team. He has done much research in library and online. After spending days with team members to discuss the design details, we present to you the final design of Eye Floaters Cure!

By looking at it, you pretty much get an idea of what this logo means: A group of members circling around the eye, holding hands together. It looks like people looking downward through the pupil, as if taking care of a valuable baby.

We discard any colour scheme to make it monochromatic, which means that we have floaters in our eyes, there is very little colour in our lives. We get used to hiding behind a curtain indoors, and no longer want to go out.

What is our plan?


We are dedicated to finding a way to have clear vision again.  We don’t want to risk our eyesight to remove floaters; we strongly desire a non-invasive method, which will not provoke side effects.

We have high hopes for nanotechnology, micro robotic systems and compounds.  We want to move fast and efficiently.  We would like to be a sponsor, in order to achieve as many research places as possible.  This can only be achieved with a large number of supporters.


What is the difference between EFC and other organizations?

EyeFloaters Cure is dedicated to the quest for a safe way to remove floaters.  We are also in co-operation with another charity, OCV, located in Manchester, England.  We have observed that a few of the other organisations are either inactive or promote harmful treatment methods.  This is an absolute no-go for us, and we don’t support such methods.


Furthermore, we are lucky to have the scientific knowledge in order to choose the appropriate treatment method.  We will soon be in contact with the most suitable scientists for our cause, and we will share more information as soon as we can.

Opticians tell us to get used to eye floaters because nothing can be done, so why should I support your organization?

There are many kinds of doctors worldwide.  Some of them will tell you that nothing can be done at all and you must get used to floaters.  They are not wrong because indeed, there is no reliable cure yet.  However, it is not so easy to just “get used to” thousands of lines and dots in your vision.  Some doctors will refer you for YAG laser or vitrectomy, if you can’t tolerate the floaters… but you are likely to get worse problems after surgery, if not immediately then later, so why risk it?  Finally, there are doctors who have real scientific interest and the humanism to help people suffering with an abnormal condition.  These are the doctors who will assist us.


I don’t have floaters, so why should I donate?


Eye floaters are a severe impediment to health and wellbeing and need much more medical attention.  Most people are not aware of it until it occurs to them or a relative.  DVS can’t be compared with other eye disabilities because it is unique, and could also be marked as a rare disease if it severely affects someone at a young age.


