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nhs research sign up


Attention eye floater sufferers. There is a great opportunity for all of us to have a better alternative solution for eye floaters. Please sign and submit the form and share the post to your floaters and non-floaters friends. We want as many people as possible to get involved!


Moorfields Eye Hospital NHS Foundation Trust and the UCL Institute of Ophthalmology have announced a plan for a major 5-year funding award for eye research.


Please click the link below:…/make-a-suggestion ( the suggestion-form link )


They have a link where they ask patients to fill and submit a suggestion-form of their medical condition that would require research for a safe cure. Please take 10 minutes of your time to make your request through this link. We must demonstrate that floaters is a real medical problem and this can only be done with our vast participation.

Follow the Instruction here: 



 If you want to know more details, please click below:…/major-funding-eye-research-a… ( the link of the announcement and more details )

PS : When completing the form please try to concentrate only on the floaters problem. We must specifically request research for a safe cure for vitreous floaters.


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