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Welcome to EYE FLOATERS CURE! We fully support
for vitreous eye floaters!

Attention eye floater sufferers. There is a great opportunity for all of us to have a better alternative solution for eye floaters. Please comment down below on Mark Zuckerberg’s latest post and attract his attention on #eyefloaters issue, ask him to find a safer and more effective #eyefloaterscure for us, we have try a few times before, l think we need more people comment on his post this time, and hope it works this time! Please click link, it will directly guide you to my comment which is appeared on the first of all comments. Please only reply on my comment, so my comment (raising awarness and asking for safer cure of eye floaters) will get more expusure:
We are a group of volunteers who collaborate through Facebook, to focus on raising awareness and searching for a safe cure for vitreous eye floaters.
We all suffer from eye floaters to a degree. After raising the issue many times with our ophthalmologists and endless online researching,we know that no safe treatment is available to us at this moment. This is mainly because the whole medical community won’t take us seriously enough to launch a scientific study, and not even acknowledge that floaters are a serious problem.
On various social media sites, we find each other easily in the way of communication, sharing ideas & emotion. We hope more people can join the large family of eye floaters sufferers. Let us all be united and push forward to raise awareness and find a safe sure.
Official FB Page
Our Twitter Account
Our Weibo Account
This the official Weibo Account for Eye Floaters Cure. As an international organization, we cannot ignore one-fifth of the world’s population! Weibo is the Chinese version of twitter. We communicate with Chinese floaters sufferers in this way. Currently there are 535 followers. We translate and update them also, on a daily basis.